In 2020, employees were notified that we conducted a thorough review of our security procedures in an effort to protect our employees from physical security risks and to protect our intellectual property. Our objective is to ensure that employees have easy and safe access to all areas they need to access, but also limit unauthorized individuals from maneuvering the building.
In 2024, we are now updating this policy in the interest of clarity. Please take time to review this information and meet with your teams on all shifts and remind them that while employees have two entrances at both North Avenue and Oak Industrial, non-employees must enter through the front doors only. Also, employees should not allow any non-employees into the facilities. Non-employees – such as temporary workers or repair technicians – should only be allowed into the building from the supervisor responsible for them.
Please take note of the following key points:
- Identity Verification at Employee EntrancesIf you encounter someone trying to gain entrance to the building or a secure area of Gilson and they do not have a company-issued door key card or key fob, follow the appropriate steps:
- Request ID: Politely request documentation. Temporary workers are issued documentation that states the employer they are to report to, and the dates to which they should report. If they do not have this information on them, please proceed to the next step.
- Escort to Supervisor: Once verified, walk the individual to their Supervisor for check-in or follow the Supervisor’s instruction.
- Why It Matters:
- Staff Safety: Verifying identities ensures that only authorized personnel enter our premises, reducing anxiety and distractions.
- Product Protection: Unauthorized access could compromise our work. Many of our clients have strict non-disclosure clauses in place, and it is our responsibility to protect their assets from unauthorized access.
- Property Preservation: Secure facilities and equipment contribute to efficient operations.
- Intellectual Property (IP): Our IP is our competitive edge. Keep it confidential.
- Responsibilities:
- Full-Time Employees:
- Protect customer data, our product, and fellow employees.
- Report any suspicious activity promptly.
- Temporary Workers:
- Keep your ID cards handy and up to date.
- Use the form on this page for assistance in gaining access to the building.
- Full-Time Employees:
Remember, security is everyone’s responsibility. Please reach out to your Manager or Director if you have any questions.
Q: Someone is at the Employee Entrance, or at a secure entry point within the building, and asking to be let inside. What should I do?
A: Ask them to check-in at the front desk. It is Gilson’s policy that non-employees must enter through the front doors only. The front desk receptionist will contact the individual that the person is here to see.
Remember that ALL Gilson employees have key code or key card access to the building. If someone is requesting access to the building or a secure area within the building and does not have a key code or key card, they must enter through the front lobby and check-in there. Do not let non-employees into secure areas of the building without approval.
Q: There is no one at the front desk! Now what?
A: Ask the guest for their name, company, and who they are here to see. Temporary workers should call or text the security hotline and their Supervisor should meet them in the Lobby. Vendors or repair technicians should call or text the person they are here to see. You may leave the guest in the Lobby while you attempt to track down the proper Gilson contact, but do not let guests into secure areas of Gilson unattended.
Q: Can I bring the guest directly to the Gilson contact that they are here to see?
A: Yes and no. Ideally, you should ask the Gilson employee that they are here to see to meet the guest in the Lobby. It is possible the individual is here unannounced, or without approval or permission. Taking them into a secure area of Gilson without expressed consent creates a security risk. If the Gilson employee gives you permission to bring them back to their area, you may do so.
Q: Is there a number we should call if we forget our keycard or need access to the building and are unable to use our keycard or a keypad?
A: In the event that the front desk is unmanned, employees should use the form on this page to request access to the building.