When it comes to securing the attention of a crowd at an event, Gilson has been known to hit their mark. This year’s inaugural showing at the National Trailer Dealers Association (NTDA) Convention in Colorado Springs was no different.
Thanks to a few well-aimed direct mail pieces, targeted emails, and a handful of Nerf® darts, Gilson earned themselves a captive audience at the 2-hour ‘strolling lunch exhibition’ where they received accolades – and leads! – from neighboring exhibitors.
Getting Ready
Leading up to the event, Gilson knew they had a challenge ahead of them. While there were more than 900 individuals registered for the event, Gilson only really wanted the attention of the 200-300 individuals known as ‘Allied Members’ – who were also exhibiting at the show. Gilson needed to come up with an event marketing strategy that would get the attention of fellow exhibitors and convince them to leave their booths and tables and come visit with Gilson. All within a two hour show window!
Taking Aim
Gilson devised a plan to offer Allied Members an exclusive promotion only available to them – a 3-dimensional pop-up truck and trailer personalized with their logo and company colors. By requesting the truck in advance and providing their logo, Gilson would create, produce and deliver the trucks at the event – giving Allied Members an incentive to stop by Gilson’s booth during the 2-hour event.
Once at the booth, Allied Members were further encouraged to stop and take aim at a target with a Nerf® gun where they could win entries into a drawing for a Scotty Cameron® putter – perfect for use the next day at the event’s annual golf outing.
Fire Away!
The results of the pre-show event marketing campaign and event attendance were on-target. 24% of all registered NTDA Allied Members visited the campaign landing page. Of those individuals, 42% completed the form, requesting their 3-dimensional truck. From there, an additional 49% replied to their confirmation email and sent in their logo so that their truck could be fully customized.
Once at the event, representatives from Gilson had the opportunity to meet with 35 different individuals in just 2 hours, and walked away with several warm leads and business opportunities as a result.
Set Your Sights on Gilson
If your sales and marketing efforts have a tendency to miss their mark, set your sights on Gilson. We offer full-service creative and strategy, as well as supplemental services such as photography, videography, renderings, and art direction. From there, we can take any creative materials – whether we create them, or you supply them! – and produce them in our state-of-the-art print production facility. We also offer mailing services, fulfillment and warehousing, as well as technology solutions to help all your sales and marketing collateral reach their audience more efficiently.
We offer solutions that deliver results and welcome the opportunity to explore the challenges you face every day.
Contact Gilson today to learn more!