Case Studies

 T’was the month before Christmas, and all through the shop, no elf ink was printed, not even one drop! Gilson’s customers stood by their mailboxes with a glare, wondering when their elves would be there. “Where’s my elf?” they demanded, “Where’s my reindeer? My tree? Gilson always gives me swag, it’s so clever! And […]

If managing your promotional products, event materials, and corporate apparel has become a burden, reach out to Gilson for a custom Mindwire® solution to give you anytime access to your materials. Here’s a case study that showcases how Gilson can rise to any challenge when it comes to managing and providing promotional items.

When it comes to securing the attention of a crowd at an event, Gilson has been known to hit their mark. This year’s inaugural showing at the National Trailer Dealers Association (NTDA) Convention in Colorado Springs was no different. Thanks to a few well-aimed direct mail pieces, targeted emails, and a handful of Nerf® darts, […]