Case Studies

Integrated Marketing Campaign

Integrated marketing can take your campaign from limited to limitless. Your audience has access to so many different mediums to receive your message, so it’s important to meet them where they are. Whether that’s in the mailbox, their inbox, on social media or on their mobile devices and tablets. Planning impactful touchpoints and tailoring your […]

Marketing Campaigns

Marketing campaigns are the perfect way to reach your customers, clients, and leads. They can be the game-changing move that secures meetings with customers or prospects. Producing campaigns with a series of touchpoints will grab someone’s attention better than a single advertisement. You need to break through the clutter when promoting yourself, and marketing campaigns […]

Elf Blog Featured

When it comes to getting noticed in a crowded marketplace, Gilson has just the magical mix you need to stand out and grab your customers’ attention–just ask the elves! Our most recent marketing campaign began with a fun idea and a couple of pointy ears. Gilson invited customers and prospects to reduce their holiday frenzy […]